Wednesday, April 04, 2007


i have the trouble of making a distiction between an excuse and a reason. believe me, i've gotten into alot of trouble before regarding this. but what makes me so damningly annoyed is when a person so easily classifies a reason as an excuse. my interpretation of an excuse is something that you could have done something about and yet chose to do nothing in hopes of say, escaping work. but what if something beyond your control happens? something rather unexpected. wouldn't it be fair to get a fair hearing first before making your classification. of course, at that particular point in time, my weary mind must also be taken into account. tired, with homework to do, sleepy and stuck in the middle of nowhere late at night, your mind doesn't function as effectively anymore. the few rare times when it really really wasn't my fault, i get shafted. i wish i could be understood. i am not angry at the person but angry that i was not heard at all.

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